Requesting Items from Other Libraries

We are happy to try to borrow items that we don't own from other libraries for you.

You can:  

  • Call us to request (603-772-4346)
  • Request in the library
  • Or send us an email with the information listed below.

The average time from request to getting the item is about a week. However, it can take from 2 days to 2 weeks to receive the item. If you need the item in a hurry, please call (603-772-4346) or visit during open hours instead of emailing.

Recommended Steps to Make a Request:

1. Check our online catalog first to see if we own the item.

2. If we don't have the item, send us an email with as much information as possible. We MUST have at least the title of the item (or the author & your best guess at the title), the type of item you need (book, audiobook, DVD, etc.) and your name and contact information in order to start the process.

Send us:

  • Title of Item *required
  • Author, Actor, Director of Item
  • What format you need (book, audiobook CD, DVD, etc.) *required
  • If you need multiple copies (eg: for a book group)
  • Your name *required
  • Your phone number *required
  • Your email address
  • Your library card number

*Tip: If you copy this list and paste it into the email you are sending it will be easy to remember what information we need!

Send email request to the Library General Email.